
Check the route to your hotel with Google Maps
Sendai Station
From East Exit on foot
Approx. 4 min
JR Sendai Station
From East Exit on foot Approx. 4 min
Subway Tozai Line
Miyaginodori Station
From South Exit 1 on foot
Approx. 1 min
Subway Tozai Line
Miyaginodori Station
From South Exit 1
on foot
Approx. 1 min
Sendai Airport Sendai Airport Access Line JR Sendai Station From East Exit on foot
Approx. 25 min Approx. 4 min
Sendai Airport
Sendai Airport
Access Line
Approx. 25 min
JR Sendai Station
From East Exit on foot Approx. 4 min
Tohoku Expressway
Sendai-Miyagi IC
Toward Sendai Station
Approx. 15 min
Tohoku Expressway
Sendai-Miyagi IC
Toward Sendai Station Approx. 15 min

Parking lot information

Dedicated hotel parking lot

Number of cars First-come-first-served basis / 13 flat cars (reservations not accepted)
Charge 1,500 yen (tax included) per night (15:00-11:00)
Maximum charge 200 yen per 30 minutes outside of the above hours (maximum 2,000 yen until 11:00 a.m. the following day)
※Please notify the front desk staff upon your arrival.
※Please let the front desk staff know if you need to bring your car in or out during your stay. We will reserve a space for you until you return.

Caution when the car is full

  • If the hotel parking lot is full, we will introduce nearby parking.
  • There is no tie-up fee for the above parking lots. Please settle your bill on site.
  • You may be required to pay each time you put your car in and out of the parking lot.
  • Click to view a PDF map of the area (Japanese only).
